Recovery Comics

Keith Godwin

Keith Godwin has seen it all, done it all, and lived to tell the tale. Now he wants to do his best to prevent people from making the same mistakes he made, and to help them recover from mistakes they made on their own. Keith joined the Marines in 1986 and turned alcohol and cocaine into his passion. Four years later he was a security guard for the stars, protecting some of the best known celebrities, athletes and politicians. He kept partying like a rock star, however, until he had celebrated his way into full-fledged addiction. He went into treatment to kick the drugs, but intended to keep alcohol in his life. It didn’t work. It took losing an arm and being stabbed just inches from his heart to give him the wake up call he needed. This time, he went into treatment with his eyes and mind wide open, and he has been clean and sober for 16 years. He never would have made it without the healing power of comedy. People say that laughter is the best medicine and Keith can definitely vouch for that. He started performing stand up in 2007 as a means of therapy and sharing his story with the world. He credits humor and laughter as the main reasons he has been able to stay off drugs and alcohol. Laughing at your pain won’t make it go away, but it makes it easier to manage. [read more]
Laughter and recovery turned Keith’s life around, and he made it his goal to help others in need. He is both a comedian and a motivational speaker, and he started to help people heal one laugh at a time. He brings sober and recovering comedians together with audiences that need to hear their hilarious stories most. He performs at AA, CA and NA conventions, rehab facilities, jails, halfway houses, colleges, fundraisers,12 step programs and anywhere else people can use a friend to help them through the hard times. As a veteran, he also performs at VFWs and military events. Keith is more than just a recovering addict, however. He is a talented and versatile comedian, with the ability to perform shows with content ranging from church clean to adult. He co-founded which does fundraising for firehouses, sporting teams, schools, churches and any other organizations looking to raise money. He gives back whenever he can and never misses an opportunity to bring a smile to a stranger’s face. Keith has toured the United States with his powerful and hilarious message of recovery and healing. He has worked with comedy greats Gilbert Gottfried, Rich Voss, Jessica Kirson, Mike DeStefano and Chris Roach. He has been profiled in Newsday and has been interviewed in print and on radio all across the nation. Being a recovery comic isn’t a gimmick. He is a licensed CASAC (Certified Alcohol Substance Abuse Counselor) and his day job is helping veterans with addictions and other issues. He teaches humor therapy and belongs to the AATH (Applied Association for Therapeutic Humor). Keith Godwin may be a comedian, but his commitment to helping others in need is no joke. [/read]

Some of the comics we have worked with.

Some of the comics we have worked with.

Alan Gootnick
Angry Bob
April Brucker
Bob Baker
Brian Cohen
Cara Amore
Carie Karavas
Carolyn “G.I.” Jones
Chris Davis
Cormac Barett
Craig Feingold
Dave Kamsler
David Birnbaum
Doug Hildemann
Dr. Harry Friedman
Ed Cotty
Eddie Faicco
Ellen Karis
Elvis Maduro
Fred Rubino
Gary Keshner
George Rini
Gilbert Gottfried
Gina Scarda
Greg Rahner
Hugh Daniels Murray IV
Jackie Mason
Jackie Narkiewicz
Jesse Sheinman
Jessica Collazo
Jessica Kirson
Jimmy Q
Jody Bamel
Joe Pontillo
Joe Romby
Joey “G”
John Guerriero
John Larocchia
John Santo
John Shea
Keith Godwin
Larry Sydelman
Lee Goldman
Lori Grassman
Marc Zakarin
Marcus Johnson
Matt Marcinkiewicz
Mel Garlick
Meredith Daniels
Michael Young Cho
Mike Destefano
Mike Sandora
Monica Taller
Nate Watts
Nicole LoMonaco
Pat Gagliardi
Pat Hart
Peaches Rodriguez
Rich Carucci
Rich Voss
Rick Cisario
Rob Cioffi
Rob Cividanes
Rob White
Russ Gerard
Sal the Stockbrocker
Sam Kurland
Scotty J
Scott Paparcuri
Sherrill Zubrin
Sparky Drakonis
Stan Keshner
Steve Alleva
Steve Camillone
Steve Diaz
Stevie GB
Teddy Smith
Terry McNeely
Tim Dillon
Tom Laurita
Vanessa Hollingshead
William Flinn